Saturday, March 8, 2014

Scavenger Hunt

We are going on a scavenger hunt. Where are we going? To the past, of course! We don't need a time machine to visit the past. We just need an imagination, a computer, and internet. With your group, you are going to find out the answers to questions about an inventor from our past. Once you've found your inventor(s), you will post your answer(s) here for everyone to see. That's not where it ends. You will then tell us how you think life would be different without this invention. I expect one post from the whole group with the answer to the inventor question, and each of you are expected to post how life would be different. Your questions follow. Answer the question(s) for your group. At the end, don't forget to post your answer to the follow up question.

Group 1:
  • Who was the first African American woman to receive a US patent?
  • What did she receive the patent for?
  • Share an invention by one other African American woman.
Group 2:
  • This inventor was born on August 29, 1920, and his invention improved computers, radios and televisions.
  • Who is it?
  • What did he invent?
  • Tell us about one other inventor you find interesting.
Group 3:
  • This inventor was born in 1864 and began his formal education at the age of 12.
  • Who is he?
  • What did he discover?
  • What did he invent that revolutionized agriculture in the south?
  • Tell us one other thing you found interesting about this person.
Here is the link to the web page to help you along on your scavenger hunt:

Here is the link to the Jing presentation just in case you need it.

Friday, November 29, 2013

I found the process of setting up this blog pretty simple. I already had a Google account, so I just had to follow the directions for setting up a new blog, which were simple. I was successful at creating a blog and making up my own URL for the blog. The only challenge that I faced was coming up with a name to give my URL that was not already in use.